Pain Treatment

Pain is a common complaint and affects people of all ages. Pain can be caused from an acute sprain or strain, a herniated disk, surgery or another type of trauma. Regardless of the cause of injury, acupuncture treatment by skillful acupuncturist is the best way. Treatment duration may vary based on the severity of the injury.


Burn Injury

The severity of burns are very high from the view of Source of the burn as Gas and the view of Body regions burned as the face- burns to the face are more severe because they could affect airway management or the eyes. Special acupuncture skill get the fantastic result from severe burn injury without any scar very quickly. I have special interest in treating burn injuries. An example below is a case I worked on while I was a clinical supervisor at New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine.


                             First visit after 2days from accident  Third treatment (the Following day)

    Second treatment(next day)    2weeks later

Hair Loss

Many reasons exist for hair loss some of them being hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, genetics, medications, repeated stress exposure and thyroid disease. To gain a clear understanding of your hair loss, seeking medical advice would be important .Special acupuncture is the best way to stop your hair loss and reinforce it growing up again. Acupuncture has been successfully used to treat my patients for all types of hair loss problems including various forms of severe alopecia.



Sleep can be disturbed by a number of reasons, such as stress, anxiety, medications and physical conditions. Western medicine has very little to offer patients in the way of relief. Antidepressant medications can help, but for people who are hesitant about living on drugs, then acupuncture is the way to go. Acupuncture has an extremely calming effect on the nervous system



The most common causes of female infertility include problems with ovulation, damage to fallopian tubes or uterus, or problems with the cervix. Age can contribute to infertility because as a woman ages, her fertility naturally tends to decrease.

Male infertility usually occurs because of sperm that are abnormal, because of inadequate numbers of sperm, or problems with ejaculation. Sperm can be considered abnormal for two possible reasons: unusually short life span of the sperm and/or low mobility.